RoTunneling VPN
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Functionalitati noi pe siteul RoTunneling VPN

Am imbunatatit siteul RoTunneling VPN si am lansat functionalitati noi, pe care, probabil le asteptati de mult.
Printre acestea se numara:
1. Am refacut tot procesul de inregistrare si am reusit sa il simplificam la un formular cu cateva campuri.
2. Am renuntat la trial, datorita abuzurilor, cu atat mai mult cu cat multi utilizatori plateau inca din perioada de trial.
3. Am renuntat la validarea numarului de telefon prin sms.
4. Am refacut tot Contul Meu si am adaugat urmatoarele:
  • Plati recurente
  • Plati prin Google Pay
  • Plati prin Bitcoin
  • Actualizare date personale
  • Statistici bonusuri primite in urma recomandarilor.
  • Sistemul de plati acum face reduceri intre 25% si 50% in functie de perioada de facturare aleasa.
5. Am automatizat procedura de resetare parola dupa email sau username.
Ce functionalitate ati dori sa vedeti pe site sau in aplicatie?

Tags: trial, vpn, bonus recomandari

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  • Why is VPN WOW? VPN protects the data you transmit online and helps you navigate any site, easily, anywhere and anytime safely. For example: online payments are secure, accessing sites of interest, connecting to a public Wifi network, in a cafe.
  • New features on RoTunneling VPN website We've improved the RoTunneling VPN website and launched new features that you've probably been waiting for some time.
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